Saturday, March 22, 2014

Polar Bear Plunge

This past week Hayesville has decided to strip away its common sense and dive into a pool of spontaneity for a good cause <you see what I did there? Let me explain, For some wacked out reason my area has decided that a good way to raise money is by filming yourself nominating people to jump into a non-heated body of water, stating who you will be giving your money away to, and then running full force and cannon-balling (or splashing yourself off and squacking like a chicken) into a body of water IN MARCH.

Imagine my reaction when I looked onto my Facebook page a week ago and saw a painful video of one of my friends running and jumping into the 40 degrees mind you...after nominating my sister and I.

My first reaction:

but then I was all like: YOLO (errr I can't believe I wrote that)

So here is a video of the refreshing experience...

So there you have it. Stupid? Absolutely...Fun? Absolutely x2

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